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Скрипт PowerShell для замены на серверах DHCP параметра DNS в Scope |
Скрипт Replace-DNSAddressOnDHCPScopes позволяющий поменять на одном или нескольких серверах DHCP параметр "006 DNS Servers".Допустим у нас есть два сервера динамического распределения узлов DHCP. На каждом из этих серверов порядка сотни областей Scope. Каждая область Scope содержит параметры DNS серверов в своем определенном порядке, которые будут выдаваться клиентам. Как им пользоваться:
Function Global:Replace-DNSAddressOnDHCPScopes ([parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false)][array]$DHCPservers, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$DNSserverWhichReplace, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$DNSserverReplaceOn) { <# .SYNOPSIS Replace DNS server parameter in each Scope of selected DHCP servers. .DESCRIPTION This function replaces on the selected DHCP servers a specified DNS server parameter to the new one. .PARAMETER DHCPservers Specify your DHCP servers. .PARAMETER DNSserverWhichReplace Specify old DNS server, which will be replaced. .PARAMETER DNSserverReplaceOn Specify new DNS server. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Replace-DNSAddressOnDHCPScopes -DHCPservers dc1.domain.local,dc2.domain.local -DNSserverWhichReplace -DNSserverReplaceOn .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Replace-DNSAddressOnDHCPScopes -DHCPservers dc1.domain.local,dc2.domain.local -DNSserverWhichReplace -DNSserverReplaceOn -Verbose #> Import-Module -Name DhcpServer -ErrorAction Stop $IPregex='(?<Address>((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))' if ($DNSserverWhichReplace -notmatch $IPregex) { Write-Error -Message "Old DNS server address, which would be replaced, has been specified incorrectly" -RecommendedAction "Type the valid IP address of DNS server" Break } if ($DNSserverReplaceOn -notmatch $IPregex) { Write-Error -Message "New DNS server address, which would replace the old one, has been specified incorrectly" -RecommendedAction "Type the valid IP address of DNS server" Break } $Error.Clear | Out-Null Write-Host Write-Host Write-Host 'Original and comments: http://vam.in.ua/index.php/it/25-ms-powershell/240-powershell-replace-dns-on-dhcpscopes.html' -ForegroundColor DarkCyan Write-Host 'Feedback: http://vam.in.ua/index.php/contacts/2-admins/1-aleksey.html' -ForegroundColor DarkCyan Write-Host $CurrentDHCPserver = 0 foreach ($DHCPserver in $DHCPservers) { $CurrentDHCPserver += 1 $TotalDHCPservers = $DHCPservers.Count $CountChangedScopes = 0 $CountChangedDNSservers = 0 [array]$DHCPScopes = '' $DHCPScopes = (Get-DHCPserverv4Scope -ComputerName $DHCPserver).ScopeId.IPAddressToString if (($DHCPScopes -eq '') -or ($DHCPserver -eq $null)) { Continue } [string]$ProgressActivity = "Processing on DHCP server $DHCPserver ($CurrentDHCPserver of $TotalDHCPservers specified)" [int32]$CurrentScope = 0 foreach ($Scope in $DHCPScopes) { $CurrentScope += 1 [int32]$ProgressPercent = $CurrentScope * 100 / ($DHCPScopes.Count) Write-Progress -Activity $ProgressActivity -Status "Please wait..." -PercentComplete $ProgressPercent $OptionDnsServersOfScope = (Get-DHCPserverv4OptionValue -ComputerName $DHCPserver -OptionId 6 -ScopeId $Scope).Value # Получаем текущие записи DNS серверов $SetOptionDnsServersOfScope = @() # Объявляем массив для нового набора DNS серверов $NeedReplace = $false foreach ($DNSServerOption in $OptionDnsServersOfScope) { if ($DNSServerOption -eq $DNSserverWhichReplace) { $SetOptionDnsServersOfScope += $DNSserverReplaceOn $NeedReplace = $true $CountChangedDNSservers += 1 Write-Verbose "Change was applied in Scope $Scope at server $DHCPserver" } else { $SetOptionDnsServersOfScope += $DNSServerOption } } if ($NeedReplace -eq $true) { Set-DHCPserverv4OptionValue -ComputerName $DHCPserver -DnsServer $SetOptionDnsServersOfScope -ScopeId $Scope $CountChangedScopes += 1 } } Write-Host "There were $CountChangedDNSservers changes in $CountChangedScopes Scopes on Server $DHCPserver" -ForegroundColor DarkGray } Write-Host Write-Host "Everything was done!" -ForegroundColor DarkGray } |